Tuesday, February 10

Winter 2014/2015 Outfits 24 and 25

The return of the "uniform"
I was thinking to myself, as I updated my Winter 2014/2015 Outfits post, that I hadn't worn my uniform much lately.  For those of you that are just joining me, the uniform concept (as I define it) is a basic outfit or silhouette that is worn repeatedly.  For me this is my fall back outfit when I want to feel good or when I don't want to think about what to wear.  I have a casual one - the skinny jeans and cowl neck sweatshirt and a work one - pencil skirt and cardigan.   I am sure it was because I was thinking of them, but look at that my uniforms showed up two days in a row!  (And so did that chevron tank, but I adore it!)  I haven't abandoned the uniform concept, but I think my lack of uniform wearing says a lot about the variety of pieces that I have built into my capsule.

Did I mention a jewelery capsule?  Well I kind of did one.  Sort of.  I mostly pared stuff down and put away things I wasn't really wearing.  It let me de-clutter my jewelery space a little, so now I can see what I really have.

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